beauty supplements

  • collagen drinks

    The Truth About Collagen Drinks For Skin: Do They Work?

    The skincare question I get more often these days is: do collagen drinks for skin work? Can they really firm your skin, prevent wrinkles, and make you age faster… or is it just another marketing claim that’s too good to be true? After all, despite what brands say, collagen in moisturisers doesn’t work. This pesky […]

  • rejuvenated H3O Hydration review

    Should You Use A Supplement To Boost Your Skin’s Hydration?

    “Don’t be such a snob! Hydration is the foundation of youthful skin.” That’s what I’d tell young Gio if I could go back in time. When I first started getting into skincare, I didn’t value hydration at all. I was in my early 20s, drinking my 8 glasses of water a day and living in […]

  • esthechoc

    Too Good To Be True? The Bar Of Chocolate That Keeps Wrinkles Away

    Some women feel guilty for eating chocolate. They need to make excuses for it. “I’ll just have the tiniest bit and later I’ll hit the gym.” “Yes, I’ll eat a slice of chocolate cake and then I’ll fast for a week.” “Screw it, it’s the holidays. I’m allowed to break my diet and eat like […]