
  • 4 Anti-Aging Ingredients That Don’t Work

    I still remember the day I saw my first crow’s feet. I was in my bathroom, washing my face as usual. I glanced nonchalantly at the mirror and froze. What the heck were those fine lines around my eyes?! Surely, they couldn’t have been wrinkles? I was still in my late 20s, way too early […]

  • The Complete Guide To Vitamins In Skincare

    Are you eating your vitamins? No, I’m not talking to you. I know you’re a good girl who’s eating her veggies, RIGHT? I’m talking to your skin. It needs its own daily fix of vitamins to stay beautiful and young. But, which ones should it eat, and when? I know, it can be confusing. That’s […]

  • Myrrh: The Skincare Gift Fit For A King

    “What’s myrrh, mommy?” “It’s a resin with a smokey and balsamic, sometimes bitter, scent. It’s used as a fragrance or to heal wounds.” “Whyyyyyyy?” “Well, because it has anti-septic….” “No, mummy! I mean, why would you give that to a baby?! Why not a teddy bear?” “Er… cos he was a king, hun. You give […]

  • rhassoul clay in skincare

    Rhassoul Clay, Let Me Count The Ways I Love Thee

    For me, clay masks are a seasonal thing. I use them a lot in summer when my skin stubbornly insists on pumping out more oil than it needs (so annoying!). The last thing I wanna do is deal with pimples, so I soak up all that excess with a clay mask before it can do any […]

  • peter thomas roth retinol infusion pm night serum 02

    Which Strength Of Retinol Do You Really Need?

    I can’t imagine I will ever run a marathon (heck, just the thought is enough to give me nightmares), but if I did, I’d start small. Like, really small. I’d go for ever longer walks for a month before I even attempted a little run. And then, I’d increase the miles slowly, one by one. […]

  • Not Just Panda Food: Why Bamboo Is The Next Big Thing In Korean Skincare

    When you say bamboo, I think of cute pandas lazily munching on their leaves up in the Chinese mountains. So cute! But bamboo isn’t just food for pandas. If you’re into Korean skincare, you’ve probably noticed bamboo has found its way into your skincare stash, too. Bamboo water has pretty much replaced boring old water […]