Comments on: How To Read A Skincare Ingredient List (Even If You Hate Science) Taking the guesswork out of skincare Thu, 03 Oct 2019 08:37:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Barbara Thu, 03 Oct 2019 08:37:21 +0000 Great recap! Thanks!!

By: Share The Love: Sunday Reads « Lazy Beautiful Mon, 04 Jan 2010 06:41:28 +0000 […] Cosmetic ingredients lists, how to read ‘em – Beautiful with Brains […]

By: Share The Love: Weekly Linkage Roundup « Lazy Beautiful Sun, 06 Sep 2009 22:28:03 +0000 […] Beautiful with Brains shows you how and why it’s important to read the ingredients on your pro…. […]

By: beautifulwithbrains Wed, 02 Sep 2009 09:32:25 +0000 Renee: you’re welcome. Ingredients usually have such complicated names it can be hard to read a label. There are lots of resources on the net, like, that have some great ingredients dictionaries. They’re very helpful 🙂

Paris B: you’re welcome. I feel the same way too 🙂 But I agree with your girls, it’s very important to know what we put on our skin.

LyNn: thanks. I’m not sure why mineral concealers break you out since I don’t know which products you used and the ingredients they contain, but I heard that Zinc Oxid and Titanium Dioxide, which are widely used in mineral makeup can clog pores in people with oily skin, esp when used in high concentrations. So, maybe that’s what’s causing the problem. I worte a post about comedogenic ingredients if you’re interested but keep in mind that it’s not a comprehensive list:

Dao: thanks and good for you! I’m glad you do that, it’s so important and helpful. Yeah, you’e right, the first few ingredients are the most imporant ones, the other are usually preservatives, thickeners or just included for marketing purposes.

Dee: thanks, and I’m really glad to hear that! Well done. My friends are the same and yeah, it is sad. Unfortunately they’ll regret it later when they realise how much they spent on products that don’t really work 🙁

Robin: thanks. Yes, I do, everytime I buy some skincare or cosmetic products I usually spend ages at the counter looking at the ingredients lists and trying to select the best products for my skin. That’s really important. Your ebook sounds interesting, can’t wait to read it.

Nikki: thank you, I’m glad you are and hope you find it helpful 🙂

Ahleessa: you’re welcome and thanks. I agree with you 100%. 🙂

By: Ahleessa Wed, 02 Sep 2009 03:49:45 +0000 This is a great post! It’s very helpful and extremely important what ingredients are in the products we use. Thanks! 🙂
.-= Ahleessa´s last blog ..No Buy Deal =-.

By: Nikki Wed, 02 Sep 2009 01:24:21 +0000 I am very happy with your post, very informative!
.-= Nikki´s last blog ..Nail Art Tutorial: "Metallic" Nails =-.
