
  • panthenol

    Is Panthenol The Best Head To Toe Moisturizer For Dry & Sensitive Skin?

    Did you know Pantene takes its name from Panthenol, its hero ingredient? But this pro-vitamin ain’t just for hair. It’s just as good for skin, nails and the rest of your body, too. Here are its superpowers: What Is Panthenol? Panthenol is the alcohol form of Vitamin B5, a.k.a panthotenic acid. Don’t be scared by […]

  • odylique creamy coconut cleanser

    What ingredients are comedogenic? (The Full List)

    There it was. In the middle of my chin. All red and swollen. Staring at me defiantly. “Dare to pop me!,” it challenged me. But, I didn’t. I knew that’s what that nasty pimple wanted. To be squeezed so he could procreate. No way, I’m falling for it, you nasty thing! But, boy, was it […]

  • phenoxyethanol

    Is Phenoxyethanol A Safer Alternative To Parabens?

    Move over, parabens! There’s a new preservative in town. It’s called Phenoxyethanol. Rumour has it, it’s gentler, safer and still as effective at keeping bacteria and other nasties out of your skincare products. Is that too good to be true? Here’s what the science says: What The Heck Is Phenoxyethanol? Phenoxyethanol is an ethylene glycol […]

  • niod multi-molecular hyaluronic complex

    Humectants: What are they?

    Humectant is one of those fancy words us science beauty bloggers like to throw around to prove we know our stuff. But everyone else is probably scratching their heads, wondering what the heck we’re talking about. Better explain myself, eh? Here’s what humectants are and why you should load your skincare routine with them: What […]

  • Natural Preservatives in Skincare Products: Are They Really Safer?

    Preservatives are a necessary evil. If you don’t want fuzzy little bacteria to grow in your fave moisturizer, you need to use some sort of poison (for them, not us) to kill them off. But, why do brands have to use stuff that releases formaldehyde or parabens, I hear you ask? Can’t they use something […]

  • paula's choice calm redness relief repairing serum

    Spotlight On Coenzyme Q10: Is It An Effective Antioxidant?

    “And the ‘Antioxidant Of The Year Award’ goes to….” *drumroll* “Coenzyme Q10!” Sorry, Vitamin C. You’re awesome and all, but this year, the spotlight’s on Coenzyme Q10. Since getting the Nivea gig, this little known antioxidant is popping up on the skincare aisles everywhere. But, how good is it? Is it an one hit wonder […]