sun damage Archives – Beautiful With Brains Taking the guesswork out of skincare Sun, 23 Aug 2020 16:08:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Apply Sunscreen The Right Way Sun, 22 Dec 2019 13:15:00 +0000 I used to roll my eyes when someone tried to tell me how to apply sunscreen. Dude, how difficult can it be? Pour a small amount of cream on your hands, rub it all over your body, wait 20 minutes and go out in the sun. Job done. Except, I still got a sunburn every […]

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How To Effectively Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage: An Interview With Sunscreen Expert Dr Denis Dudley Mon, 01 May 2017 12:15:05 +0000 Sun protection should be easy. Pick a sunscreen. Slather it all over your body. Go outside safely. Bye bye wrinkles and cancer! The reality is oh so different. So many sunscreens out there don’t protect your skin as well as they should. Worse, some travel from the surface of your skin – where they should […]

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5 Interesting Facts About Sunscreen You Probably Didn’t Know About Mon, 22 Sep 2008 13:04:48 +0000 How well do you know your sunscreen? I bet that little tube you’re using every day (because you are using it every day, RIGHT?) has been keeping secrets from you. It probably evaded the question when you asked it what the heck SPF is. And it may have forgotten to mention that not all members […]

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