isopropyl myristate is comedogenic

You know me. I usually turn to science to figure out if an ingredient is good or bad.

But sometimes, science can’t give you the answer. If no one has done a study on it, science stays mute. It doesn’t have an opinion. It only deals with facts.

That’s why it’s so hard to figure out if Isopropyl Myristate is comedogenic. Some people swear it turns their face into a war zone. Other think it’s been unfairly maligned.

For once, I’m siding with the accusers. Science may not prove Isopropyl Myristate gives you pimples, but that’s what happens to my skin every time I use.

In the absence of any scientific evidence (I know, how Un-Beautiful With Brains of me!), I’ll let my skin do all the talking:

What Is Isopropyl Myristate?

Isopropyl Myristate is an ester of the fatty acid Myristic Acid.

For the science nerds among you, an ester is a substance formed from the reaction between an acid and an alcohol via the elimination of water.

Isopropyl Myristate Benefits: What Does It Do For Skin?

Isopropyl Myristate has a silky feeling that makes skin (and hair) soft, smooth and supple.

It also reduces the greasy feel of other oils in the same product. Rather than an oily mess, the cream is now sleek and light to the touch.

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Is Isopropyl Myristate Comedogenic?

Truth be told, scientists did some tests to see if Isopropyl Myristate is comedogenic. On rabbit’s ears. Some of these tests said it causes pimples. Other tests said the exact opposite.

Who’s right? It doesn’t matter. We’re humans, not rabbits. The results don’t apply to us either way. Not to mention, rabbit’s ears are extremely prone to acne anyway. That definitely skews the results…

What about tests done on humans? There aren’t any. There are only women who use skincare products with Isopropyl Myristate. They had the same results as the studies. Some women say it gives them pimples. Others can use it fine.

In the end, I think it depends on your skin. I have combination skin and whenever I slather on a cream with Isopropyl Myristate all over my face, I get pimples on my oiliest areas. 

At first, I thought it was something else causing the problem, but nope. Whenever I use a cream loaded with Isopropyl Myryitate, my skin breaks out. When I use a cream without it, no zits. I use it again, breakouts galore. I stop, no zits.

Coincidence? I don’t think so.

By the way, my body tells a different story. The skin there is very dry so Isopropyl Myristate doesn’t bother it. I get no zits when I use it there.

This is only my personal opinion so don’t take it as the Gospel. But if you have combination, oily or acne-prone skin, I do recommend you stay away from skincare products that have a high concentration of Isopropyl Myristate.

By the way, Isopropyl Palmitate has the same effect on me. Just saying.

The Bottom Line

Science hasn’t proven yet that Isopropyl Myristate is comedogenic but many of us get pimples whenever we use it. If you have combo, oily or acne-prone skin, beware!