how peptides in skincare work

Peptides are the anomaly in the skincare matrix.

They shouldn’t work. Yet, it seems they do.

But how? Why? How well? So many questions. So few answers.

Until you get to the bottom of it, should you really invest a small fortune in a peptide serum? Mmm….

What Are Peptides?

Peptides are made up of amino acids (the building blocks of proteins). They have the same chemical structure as proteins, but are shorter in length.

You can tell the number of amino acids a peptide has by looking at the name. For example, a dipeptide has two amino acids.

The most common types of peptides you’ll find in skincare are:

Related: Is Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 An Effective Alternative To Botox?

Struggling to put together a skincare routine that minimises wrinkles, prevents premature aging, and gives your complexion a youthful glow? Download your FREE “Best Anti-Aging Skincare Routine” to get started (it features product recommendations + right application order):

Why Peptides Shouldn’t Work

Have you ever heard of the 500 Dalton Rule?

A dalton is an unit of mass. Anything that’s under 500 Daltons can easily penetrate skin and anything that’s over 500 Daltons can’t.

Of course, there’s always an exception or two. But these are few. There’s a reason why you need to take a pill or get an injection if you’re ill. Even most meds can’t penetrate skin deep enough to work and heal you.

Peptides are NOT one of the exceptions. They’re over 500 Daltons so they shouldn’t be able to penetrate skin at all. How the heck can they possibly work?

Some experts believe they don’t. Dermatologist Leslie Baumann, M.D. think they’re another useless fad. Maybe she’s right.

But then, how can you explain the results of these studies?

Related: Types Of Peptides Used In Skincare: Which Ones Are The Best?

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Do Peptides Work? (What Science Says)

First things first. Most studies on peptides are done by the manufacturers. Not exactly the most reliable of sources, are they?

But, there are a few independent studies that seem to suggest peptides are effective.

An example? A 12-weeks, double-blind, placebo-controlled, split-faced clinical study comparing a moisturizer with palmitoyl pentapeptide to a placebo has found that the peptide formula significantly reduced fine lines and wrinkles by increasing the production of collagen.

Another study confirms the ability of palmitoyl oligopeptide to stimulate the production of collagen when used twice a day for six months.

I know, the evidence is scant. But it’s just about enough not to discontinue peptides as an useless fad. Question now is: if they can’t penetrate skin, how the heck can they do all this?

How Peptides May Work

One theory is that peptides are cell-communicating ingredients that work through signalling.

Let me say that again in plain English. When collagen breaks down, your body makes specific peptides that tell your skin it’s time to pump out more.

When you apply peptides to your skin, the same thing happens. The peptide stays on top of your skin and say, “hey skin, you’ve just lost some collagen. Make some more, please. And quickly, too!”.

Your skin falls for it, and does the job. It now has more collagen so it’s more firm and elastic.

Related: 8 Science-Backed Ways To Rebuild Lost Collagen

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What Are The Best Products With Peptides?

Peptides sort of work. But until we know how and what the most effective peptides are, I don’t recommend you spend small a fortune on a serum only because it has peptides. Either try a cheap option or use products with proven anti-agers (like antioxidants and retinol) that also have peptides. That way, if they don’t work, no harm done. If they work, it’s just a bonus!

Here are the peptide products I recommend: